Have you read the article by Mark McGuinness on getting your inner critic off your back?
Mark’s article describes the challenge of inner negative talk and its contribution to creative paralysis.
He offers a practical strategy to counteract this tendency. Through the use of just two humble words even and though, he demonstrates how to disarm and manage our merciless inner critic. I love this idea!
Many of my dreams and creative projects have come true, but many more have not, and they then become learning experiences.
When a creative project is finished, whether it went well and it can be called a success, or it didn’t and starting over is the only option, we are faced with the prospect of re-hatching and reinventing ourselves. Nothing is static. Nothing is stationary.
The challenge that is faced with new beginnings, is how to stay motivated and quiet the voices of doubt that bring us down; to know what is really significant and why it is important.

The image here illustrates the idea of re-hatching and nourishing your creative self. (See Painting-steps in the video below.)
Dare to let your spirit re-hatch even though what comes from the shell might be a total surprise!
Comment below and let me know what you think.
Photo steps to paint this hatching kitty
Hi Layla, your watercolor kitten is adorable! I really enjoy your work; it’s beautiful.
Right now there are so many interruptions in my day. Even when I do paint or sketch/draw something, I never have time to post my work. I’m working on a plan, though, to create a studio separate from my home. I need to have a separate work space where I can concentrate without interruption.
Hi dear Janet,
In the age of distraction it is hard to win the battle and stay focus. But accepting that our conditions are far from perfect is a good step in solving the time and focus challenge. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and keep your eyes on your goal!