Painting a Winter Landscape in Watercolor

Painting a Winter Landscape in Watercolor post image

This painting is based on a photo I took on a Sunday afternoon when John and I were traveling south on Route 7 in Vermont on our way to Williamstown, Mass and the Clark Museum. I set out to simplify the shapes of lights and shadows, and to render a feeling of movement and direction.

When painting, I also look for topics to which I have some emotional connection. I believe that creative moments are motivated by caring deeply about a subject.

My emotional connection to this subject was:
• The joy of a Sunday trip to enjoy artwork in a museum.
• The beauty of the winter light.
• An acknowledgement of fellow travelers who cross my path and are also enjoying a Sunday drive, wherever they are headed.

Here I share a time-lapse video showing the painting process.

These are some preliminary sketches to study shape and value.

Did you enjoy the video? What topics would you like to see posted here on this blog, regarding watercolor, that might in some way help you develop and improve your skills as an artist?

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  • Katia Johansen January 17, 2019, 12:24 pm

    Dear Leyla,
    Thank you for sharing this experience and the lovely result of your day out! Especially for the particular elaboration of the emotional connections – what a perfect reminder to observe where we are and what we are lucky enough to enjoy. Thank you on many levels.

    • Leyla Torres January 17, 2019, 12:44 pm

      You are very welcome, Katia. There is always a reason to be grateful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!

  • Floyd Long January 17, 2019, 12:53 pm

    I really enjoy your loose style of painting. I’m working on achieving your results. Thank you.

    • Leyla Torres January 17, 2019, 2:43 pm

      Wonderful, Floyd! We as artists are always wanting to improve and no matter what point we are at, there is always something higher we want to reach for.
      Keep up your practice. I look forward to seeing your work posted. Share a link if you do.

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