Watercolor Sketchbook Project: Anniversary Celebration – 4 of 4

Are you ready to be inspired and try a project like this? It can be adapted to any occasion you might want to celebrate. Some people have mentioned doing a similar project as a memory of their vacation or to celebrate the life of someone they love very much.
John and Leyla’s anniversary watercolor project came to a close with three final mini paintings that symbolize what we did to celebrate on each day.

Days 1-9 HERE
Days 10-14 HERE
Days 15-27 HERE
Day 28: We prepared a fruit salad using two halves of one pear because together we make a good pair. Six strawberries because we married in the sixth month of the year. Four slices of kiwi because we both are the oldest sibling of four.
Day 29: We placed a “Do not disturb sign” on our door.
Day 30: We each had half an orange. This is because in Spain and Latin American the expression “mi media naranja”, which means “my half-orange” is used to describe “my perfectly fitting other half” or my “soulmate”.
Here are close-up photos of the watercolor icons

Click to follow Leyla on Instagram ••• Click to follow John on Instagram

If you feel inspired to do a project like this post it online, come back here and share the link with us.

Check out the other posts related to this project

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