Saturday Sancocho


Saturday Sancocho
Written and Illustrated by L. TorresSaturday Sancocho (Reading Rainbow Selection)Written and Illustrated by Leyla Torres (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995)Available in Spanish as “El sancocho del Sábado

Every Saturday, Maria Lili looks forward to making chicken sancocho with her grandparents Mama Ana and Papa Angelino. But one Saturday they discover that there is nothing in the house except eggs, and Maria Lili wonders how they will ever be able to have their sancocho.

“How the grandmother transforms the eggs into a savory supper is a case study in bartering genius. […] Torres’s text bounces with make-a-deal energy, while her light-drenched, calm watercolors convey a serene domesticity.” (Ages 4-8)
–Publishers Weekly.

* Commended title for the Americas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature

Saturday Sancocho -inside page